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Building Self-Confidence: The Science of Self-Confidence
Introduction (1:59)
Self-Confidence: Low versus High (0:50)
Self-Confidence: Global versus Specific (3:05)
Activity: Which areas in your life are you already confident in?
Activity: Where do you want to build confidence?
What Confidence Is Not (1:53)
Activity: Choose an Area
How Confidence Develops (3:54)
How Confidence Can Be Learned (2:39)
Thoughts and Beliefs - Mindsets and Self-Doubt
Quote: Thoughts Shape Destiny
How Beliefs Become Self-Fulfilling Prophecies (4:50)
How Mindsets Shape Our Confidence (5:30)
Fixed versus Growth Mindset (4:29)
Activity: Identifying Fixed Mindsets
Quote: The First Draft
How Self-Doubts Shape our Confidence (8:10)
Challenging our Self-Doubt (1:48)
Activity: When in the past where you successful?
Thoughts and Beliefs 2 - Changing Thinking Patterns
How our Beliefs Shape our Reality: The ABC Model (3:36)
Activity: Recording ABC Sequences
How Cognitive Distortions Shape our Self-Confidence (0:45)
Cognitive Distortions Overview
Activity: Identify Cognitive Distortions
Activity: Dealing with Cognitive Distortions 1
Activity: Dealing with Cognitive Distortions 2
Feelings - Managing Anxiety
Introduction - Feelings and Self-Confidence (1:47)
Causes and Purpose of Anxiety (3:08)
Negativity Bias (2:05)
Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing (1:40)
Worksheet: Diaphragmatic Breathing
Self-Talk (2:42)
Activity: Counter Negative Self-Talk
Reinterpreting Anxiety (1:46)
Activity: Reinterpreting Anxiety
Other Stress Management Techniques (1:13)
Managing Anxiety
Feelings - Accepting Anxiety
Understanding Acceptance (2:41)
The Role of Avoidance (1:09)
Learning to Accept Anxiety (3:38)
Activity: Body Scan Meditation
Accepting Anxiety
Feelings - Using Positive Emotions
Introduction (0:19)
Feeling Good: A Confidence Boost (1:17)
The Undoing Effect of Positive Emotions (3:20)
Activity: Positive Emotions as a Confidence Boost
Share your favourite quote
List of Uplifting Videos
Positive Emotions
Behavior - Start Small
Introduction (2:14)
Self-Perception Theory (6:04)
Self-Perception Theory: The Paradox (3:19)
Activity: Confidence Challenge Hierarchy
The Psychology of the ‘Comfort Zone’ (2:41)
Small Daily Habits for Long-Term Change (5:09)
Activity: Confidence Challenge
Quote: The Secret of Getting Ahead
Visualization (1:23)
Activity: Visualization
Behavior - Fake It 'Til You Make It
Just Do It (3:33)
Quote: Ever Tried. Ever Failed.
Activity: Just Do It
The Anxiety Curve (1:31)
Willingness (2:24)
Activity: Willingness
Activity: Willingness II
Dealing With Failure (4:03)
Quote: Learn to Fail or Fail to Learn
Power Poses (3:24)
Worksheet: Power Poses
Behavior - Long-Term Strategies
Confidence Boost: Physical Activity (1:51)
Setting Goals for Confidence (1:55)
Activity: Planning Behavior and Setting Goals
Raising Competence (2:02)
Activity: Raising Competence
Social Context
The Social Context of Self-Confidence (5:12)
Modelling Behavior (0:50)
Activity: Finding Role-Models
Activity: Learning from our Peers
Building a Support Network (1:37)
Activity: Board of Success
Activity: Who can help me with this?
Social Comparison (2:48)
Quote: Social Comparison
Activity: Stop Negative Social Comparison
Final Section
Combining the Lessons Learned (2:07)
Activity: Make your Self-Confidence Plan
How did you like it?
End-of-course survey
Overview: Ways to Build Self-Confidence
Quote: The Things You Didn't Do
Challenging our Self-Doubt
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